Sometimes it happens that some children suddenly refuse to go to school any more. In such situation, the parents are bewildered and find no way what to do. They try everything-pleas, threats, even beatings- but they don't help to the situation. Although depression among children is not as common as it is among adults, it is by no means unusual. There are a number of reasons why a child may become depressed. The most common is the stress in the family due to factors such as quarrels, child abuse or alcoholism. Another reason is genetic. While some of the indicators of depression, like sadness, excessive irritability and diminished self-esteem, are the same for adults and children, not all are.
Moreover, while the symptoms given below are commonly exhibited by children who are depressed, it's important not to jump to too hasty conclusions. Such behavior doesn't always indicate depression. You should seek psychiatric help only if the symptoms haven't been prompted by any obvious reasons, and if they don't disappear even after you talk things over with your child in a supportive, loving way. The most common signs of childhood depression are:
Clinging behavior: The death of a close relative, starting school, the birth of a sibling-are are some of the obvious reasons a child may feel insecure. However, if a child inexplicably starts clinging to you and expresses fears of separation, there may be something wrong.
No inclination to play: Depressed children often say they're bored, and stop playing with their friends.
Anti-social behavior: Lying, playing truant and stealing, could be signs of depression if the child has rarely misbehaved in such ways before.
Constantly putting oneself down: While depressed adults who feel worthless tend not to talk about it, many depressed children keep repeating how "bad" they are.
Bed wetting: Once children attain bladder control, they rarely lose it. So if they resume wetting beds, depression may be the cause.
Frequent nightmares: Practically all children get frightening dreams once in a while. But if your child gets frequent nightmares, he could be depressed.
Doing badly at school: Sodden school phobia can be a sign of depression. So can a marked decline in a child's scholastic performance.
Most cases of childhood cases can be successfully treated if detected early. So if you suspect that your child is depressed, seek professional help quickly. In any case, never brush aside a child's feelings as unimportant. Children deserve just as much respect as adults.
Nowadays children are highly sensitive and discerning. Wise parents should know well how to deal with anger and tackle other problems of growing children.
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